Succulent is the term used to describe the ability of certain plants to retain water. The word succulent comes from the Latin succas, which means sap or juice. Succulent plants are generally grown at home indoors and are considered ornamental plants because they can bloom in a host of vibrant colors. Expressing their versatility, however, succulents also do well outdoors under favorable conditions. Unlike succulents, plants of diverse varieties are not always capable of traversing into different atmospheres.
When you throw in ease of maintenance with their striking formations, textures and any number of lovely, blooming flowers, one can see why these plants garner considerable visual interest and bring natural beauty to any garden indoors or out.
The ever-popular succulent is only growing in popularity. With literally thousands of types to choose from, we want to highlight seven succulents that anyone can grow at home that will add a unique beauty to your indoor décor. Succulents appreciate a lot of sunshine, making them appropriate for attractive window sill gardens. In addition, succulents make wonderful rock garden embellishments and offer varying bloom times to create consistent color flow.
This article will outline these seven succulents and provide some of the many health benefits of growing succulents in your home. Also, this article will help you choose the succulent plants that best suit your needs based on the benefits they provide.
So Many Kinds
Textured, smooth, stubby, and spikey are only a few of the words used to describe the remarkable appearance of these plants. They are also rubbery with thick and semi-glossy leaves. Most people have seen succulents, whether or not they realized it. There are thousands of varieties of succulents, but we at Organic Daily Post want to introduce you to seven of these unique beauties to give you an idea of what they are all about. From there, you can explore these plants and find the ones that offer you the most health benefits and satisfaction. With succulents, you can create a unique boutique. They can also be quite striking in a terrarium.
First up is a trendy plant seen growing in homes and gardens.
1. Jade Plant
Crassula ovata is the botanical name for the jade plant. A native of South Africa, this common household plant is also known by its nicknames, including the money plant, lucky plant, and money tree plant.
Jade plants saw a rise in popularity during the 1970s when having a Jade plant was a designer thing to grow in your home. This trend hasn’t changed much over the years. Low maintenance requirements, coupled with delicate pink and white flowers, make the jade plant one of the most popular succulents among indoor plants.
Outside of its aesthetic and cultural appeal, jade plants release oxygen to purify the air, which offers health benefits to humans, such as memory retention. As we release carbon dioxide into the environment through breathing, plants consume those gases and clean the air. This consumption of carbon dioxide can also help regulate volatile organic compounds that linger in your home.
2. Snake Plant
Also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue or viper’s bowstring, the snake plant (Sansevireria trifasciata) offers a striking appearance and hearty durability. The snake plant is aesthetically stunning, and it is a natural survivor that can withstand drought, reduced sunlight, and cooler temperatures.
Its stiff leaves grow vertically to form a stand. They are green in color and generally sport a yellow stripe on their sides. Virtually indestructible, these plants are drought tolerant. These succulents are perfect for the novice grower, as they are forgiving for owners that may neglect a watering for an extended period.
3. Yucca Plant
The yucca is a flowering succulent found naturally in the deserts of the United States and Mexico. Their tough, sword-like leaves stand tall and can be quite long with very sharp tips.
The shorter versions look as though it captured a fireworks explosion at its peak, without the colors. Domestically, yuccas are easy to grow and are suitable for nearly any climate as they are quite adaptable to their given environment. Yuccas can be grown in the ground or containers. They come in tall and short versions.
4. Stonecrop Succulents
These lovely, flowering succulents prefer the dryer areas of a garden. They are one of the easiest succulents to grow due to their low maintenance. All stonecrop plants are rosette in form, and most produce a flower up above its base foliage. Typically, they contain thick semi-glossy leaves.
5. Agave
The agave plant comes in a variety of shapes, colors, and forms and is perfect for an arid garden. One of the most popular types of succulents, agave is beautiful and mesmerizing to behold.
Some of the more attractive agave plants include the Montana, which is also resistant to cold environments. Other beauties include the smaller Victoriae Reginae, which features varied shapes and beautiful colors. The agave is a wonderful succulent to grow.
6. Echeveria
Known as the “Jeweled Crown” of the rosette-forming succulents, this popular plant comes in enough colors to rival jelly beans. With their varied textures and shapes, you will have no problem finding a colorful echeveria to suit your taste and style.
Some of the favored types of this brand of succulent include the rose-colored Afterglow, the Black Prince with its deep purple hues, and the succulent with the frilly edges known as Blue Curls.
7. Aloe Vera
Practically a household staple in the world of succulents, the aloe vera plant has a reputation in both the home and garden as a medicinal powerhouse. Aloe vera offers many health benefits, including the ability to help burn wounds, improve the health of your digestive system, and promote oral health. Some people even swear by its ability to clear up acne. However, when you pick its leaves, watch out for the prickly edges.
Known mostly by its common name, Aloe Vera, this plant is not only nice to look at but the healing properties of its ‘juice’ are legendary.
General Care
One of the many benefits of having succulents around the house or out in the garden is their aesthetic beauty. Their flowers can be quite striking and come in a rainbow of colors. They make excellent plants for beginners who sometimes forget to water their plants, as they are resistant to drought. However, they can suffer from root rot if overwatered.
Succulents have a shallow root system and don’t sit well in wet soil. Make sure your growing medium drains well before transplanting a succulent. As for nutrients, fertilize them once a month with a water-soluble plant food like Miracle-Gro. One teaspoon per gallon of water is all you’ll need. When the soil dries out at 2 inches of depth, water the plant thoroughly. Always aim for underwatering than overwatering succulents, as you can always add water, but you cannot take it away. Remember, it isn’t a cactus so it does require watering. A little pea gravel on top of the soil will help with drainage.
So that’s it. Go out to your favorite plant nursery and grab a variety of succulents. You’ll enjoy their low maintenance requirements and their natural beauty.
Tidbit: All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. Confused? Think of it like, all Poodles are dogs, but not all dogs are poodles.